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Friday, 17 April 2015

Return to York (Part 1)

It feels great to be back in Yorkshire. I have been called back to York, the place where I was educated all those years ago, to establish a centre - to be called the Kingdom Gateway centre. This will mean settling down here and consequently the journeys of Adam's Earth Grid may reduce in the future.

This journey came through an observation made by Brian Larkman of a ley line running through York:

The ley line combined withe the healing properties of the Adam's Earth grid was used to heal the massacre of the Jews in 1190. The journey started at the Archbishops palace, now a library.

At this point the healing energies were invoked. Next stop York minster

This picture was taken in the undercroft which is below the central tower at the crossing point where the old church was built.

By now powerful energies were building. The next place was St Sampson's church which is now a place for over 60's to meet. While I am not quite 60, they let me in and at the back there is a beautiful chapel and reading room.

Next on the line is All Saints church. This is one of York's oldest churches with foundations from saxon times.

Then the last church before Clifford's Tower is St Mary's which has been converted to an art gallery for special exhibitions

and now for the BIG one - Clifford's tower - which was the King's bailey and tower back in 1190. As the history of york describes the massacre:

On March 16th 1190 a wave of anti-Semitic riots culminated in the massacre of an estimated 150 Jews – the entire Jewish community of York – who had taken refuge in the royal castle where Clifford’s Tower now stands. 

In meditation, the pure loving christ energy of the Adam's Earth Grid and Buddha Maitreya the Christ was invoked and brought into heal the problem of the Jews and Christians - lending money as debt with usury (interest). 

100 years after the massacre, Edward I enacted the Edict of Expulsion which expelled all Jews from England in 1290. This lasted for around 350 years until Oliver Cromwell reversed the edict and allowed Jews back in. Apparently his rise to power was financed by some rich jews in Amsterdam and elsewhere (according to Stephen Mitford Goodson in his book "A history of central banking" which is a recommended read if you want to understand the history of the mess we have got into).

The line up can be seen from the top of Clifford's Tower:

The next step will be to continue the healing process by following the line through St George's field which used to be a Templar site. This is from

The chapel had belonged to the Knights Templar and stood on meadow land, adjoining their mills, which Henry III had granted them in 1232. (fn. 46) After the suppression of the Templars in 1312 the chapel came into the hands of the Crown and appointments of chaplains were made until 1437. (fn. 47) In 1358 it was found that land called La Holm, lying between the Castle and the Ouse and clearly the meadow granted to the Templars in 1232, rightfully belonged to the king's free chapel of St. George

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Fountains Abbey

Adam's Earth accompanied me as I explored the Yorkshire Moors and Dales. The first stop was Mount Grace Priory, but that did not feel right, so I continued onto Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal park.

Researching the history, a number of connections were made - the South Sea bubble and the King John issue - so this was the place to connect into the Adam's Earth energy to heal and clear old wounds.

The Abbey was an old Cistercian monastery which by the 1700s was a ruin. John Aislabie (son of George Aislabie who used to live at the Treasurers house in York) was one of the prime movers in the South Sea bubble. It was a scheme to make money from repaying the National Debt which I don't fully understand. John Aislabie was a member of parliament who was was blamed for the fiasco. He managed the King's investments (George 1 from Hanover). It started in early 1720 and by Oct 1720 the stock price had collapsed and lots of people had lost a lot of money. John Aislabie was the scapegoat and after spending some time in the Tower of London, retired to Studley Royal and built the water gardens. The whole setting was stunning.

After sensing my involvement in the Dutch Tulip disaster, I had a sense that I was also involved in the South Sea bubble. So the Adam's Earth grid was used to re align the karmic time lines.

The picture was taken with the Adam's Earth grid near the muniment room which was where King John briefly stored his treasure that he had got by taxing the people of England - and I guess lead to the historical event of the Magna Carta. This was a key moment in English and world history, when just about everyone was fed up with the way the King's behaviour - so the Church, the barons, the freemen, the city of London forced King John to agree to limitations on what the monarchy could do. The 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta is being celebrated this year, so it seems fitting that the pure christ energies of the Adam's Earth grid were called in once again to heal the mis behaviour of the ruling elite and bring humanity back into alignment with the Divine plan.